Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fall Photos

Angella took some photos of the boys this fall and they were fantastic. Here's a small sampling, all of which show each boys' personality.

Something for mom

As a mom, especially a stay-at-home-homeschool mom, it's very easy for everything in our lives to become about our kids, homeschooling, our homes and everything that goes with all of that-which is a lot! I've had friends who don't stay home with their kids ask what we do all day and sometimes it's hard to answer with specifics; all I know is that we definitely manage to stay busy! Because of all of that, it's very easy for a mom to lose her identity as a woman, as a separate person from the role of mother, wife, homemaker and all of the other hats we wear. However, it's truly important that we do have something all our own. Our kids won't be young forever and when they grow up, we need to have something we can turn to that fills us and feeds our souls whether that be a hobby, a philanthropy or a career. And it's important to have those things while our kids are young too. We don't have an endless supply of energy and a bottomless well of ourselves from which we can hand out pieces day after day without having a negative effect on our own well-being. As a mother, it's easy to feel selfish in a negative way about spending time on ourselves and while I feel that it's important that there be balance, I also truly feel that it IS important that we be selfish sometimes. Selfish isn't an alltogether bad word! Selfish can mean making time to exercise, drink enough water, take our vitamins, take a shower and sit in silence for a few moments. It can mean having a hobby that makes you happy, talking to a friend on the phone, getting a massage or going out with the girls for an evening. Everyone gets filled up in different ways and it's important for each of us to figure out what does the trick in the most efficient and complete way for us.

For me, yoga is a huge part of filling up my reserves. I've been practicing to some degree for over 10 years but more seriously for about 5 or 6 years. Since the twins were born, I've been practicing at a studio once a week nearly every week and if I have to miss a week, I really notice it in my body and in my mind and spirit. It makes a big difference for me. I've always wanted to be a yoga teacher and knew that it would be in my life some day and it showed up for me one day this fall. I got a call from my sister saying that she was going to be starting her teacher training in November. We've often talked about doing our training together and by a few hours after our phonecall, I was having a conversation with Tim and I called to register the following day. Hooray! It was a long month of waiting for the classes to begin but we've now done 2 weeks of classes and I love it. Yoga teacher training at the studio where we're doing it (which will result in a Registered Yoga Teacher certification qualifying us to teach pretty much anywhere) is pretty much like going back to school. There are 230 hours minimum of study time required which is split up between Technical Sessions, Classroom time, required reading, presentations, mentorship, homework, Karma Yoga our own practice and more. It's really thorough and I'm starting to figure out how this is all going to fit into my already full schedule. But, I'm experiencing something that I never experienced in all my years of school: I WANT to do the work. I WANT to learn not only what we're being taught but more. My stack of 5 required books has at least doubled as one topic leads me to another and another. Things that make my head swim in class come together at home as I delve deeper and deeper in my desire to fully understand everything to the greatest extent that I can. It's opening my eyes to this way of learning that in the homeschool community is termed "unschooling" whereby the student follows their own interests but I'm also learning that following these paths aren't inherent to everyone and it's something I need to coach my kids on. I want them to be on fire for learning as much as I am right now. It's so exciting and there just aren't enough hours in the day for me to take in all that I want to know so I have to pace myself.

This feels good. It feels right and it's so nice to have something that's all for me not only now, but in the future. It gives me earning potential, flexibility and so very much more. When you find the path you're supposed to be on, one that really feeds you, it's just right.

May we all find our paths and may our cups overflow as we strive for balance and happiness in our lives!

Halloween 2010

Here are the boys at Halloween! M was a Ninja, G was a Secret agent and the twins were sheep (mommy was Little Bo Peep even though there is no photographic evidence)

November Catch-ups

I can't believe how fast this fall has been going! We've had a lovely one so far.

We went apple picking

We went to the Rennaissance Festival

We went to the Corn Maze

We went camping

We had our 10th annual pumpkin carving party

We had our homeschool Halloween Party (more Halloween Pictures to come)

We had dentist visits (the first for the twins)

And we had our homeschool Thanksgiving Dinner.
