Monday, November 23, 2009

Twin Birth Story Part 5

The contractions started back up again and at some point, I knew I had to hand him over and get back to work. I labored for another hour and pushed for another hour and to say that those were the hardest 2 hours of my life would not be an exaggeration. I was so tired and it hurt so much as this second one came down with his head right in my back again so I again needed the counter pressure. As I rode the wave of each contraction and my support team could see that I needed extra energy, they counted in unison. I felt hands on me and energy pouring through those hands and into my body. I felt so loved, so supported and so safe. I knew that I could do this. I knew that my body was made for this and that I was capable and strong. I could birth this baby. I remember saying over and over and over again, “I am strong, I am capable.” There’s nothing like a good ol’ pep talk to get you through! This baby was up high and he was taking his time getting down. I was in the water and then out of the water and on the birthing stool and the midwives were concerned that my tear from Seamus was pretty bad and they didn’t want me to tear more so suggested I deliver laying down. That was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my entire life. I couldn’t do it. It was unbearable and I don’t know how I ever delivered my first two lying on my back. Finally, Tim spoke up and said “Let her get back into the water.” I did and he came. He came slowly. I kept checking myself between each push to make sure I was making progress and again, I marveled at how in control of my birth I was. One push before his head came out, my water broke and then out came his head, I felt him turn and then his shoulder came and then, finally, the rest of him slipped out of my body. Cedric was here. He was just as exhausted as I was and he was huge! No wonder it took him so long to make his appearance!

He needed some perking up so Jeanne took him and gave him some oxygen, had daddy talk to him and massaged him. It took a long time but he started to perk up and I finally got to hold him and nurse him. He was so beautiful with big, chubby cheeks and full lips. Wow! I had just given birth to twins in my living room. Incredible.

Some people left and others stayed. Because C was having a bit of trouble, Jeanne and Jane stayed and we all slept a bit. After a few hours, we all perked up and got to do the fun part of weighing and checking out the precious babes. S weighed in at 6lbs 4 oz and C at 8 lbs. Not bad for 3 ½ weeks early! C still wasn’t perking up as well as he could be and because he was so sleepy, he wasn’t interested in nursing. We all made the decision together that we should take him up to Children’s Hospital to make sure he was okay. We all knew instinctively that there wasn’t anything major or life-threatening, but he clearly needed a little help so we took him in. In the end, his glucose was low so they gave him some and he perked up immediately. He did so well that we only stayed one night instead of the normal minimum of two. It was an interesting experience to have had a homebirth and then to go into the hospital. It was nature and medicine working together the way it should be. Our midwives helped advocate for us and the medical staff was respectful. We all met in the middle and it was a good experience. The next day, we headed home and back to bed. I spent a full 2 weeks in bed with my babies and it was just perfect. We had so much wonderful bonding time as a family and I just kept thinking that this is how it’s supposed to be. This is what every woman should feel like after giving birth. I was so empowered. I felt strong, supported, safe and loved and most of all, like I had earned my right to be called mother. I had claimed my right and it was such a powerful feeling.

I am immensely blessed in my life and I am so grateful to have had such an incredible birth experience. It’s something that has affected me deeply and changed me forever. There is nothing I can’t do. I’ve been to the depths of my fear and doubt and I have overcome them and emerged stronger and more powerful than I could have ever imagined. I am so blessed.

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